Easy Magic The Boudreaux Series Book 5 edition by Kristen Proby Literature Fiction eBooks

Easy Magic The Boudreaux Series Book 5 edition by Kristen Proby Literature Fiction eBooks
Easy MagicTwo years ago I stumbled on Easy Love by Kristen Proby. Since it was set in one of my favorite cities, NOLA, I decided to give it a chance. I fell in love with the family and each subsequent book. Now we get Beau’s story.
As the big brother of the family and co-CEO of Bayou Enterprises he’s wound pretty tight and a self confessed workaholic. His family means everything to him and keeping the family legacy alive to honor his father is all in a day's work.
Mallory Adams is nothing like Beau but her clairvoyance tells her she will never be the same again. She finds happiness in selling her essential oils and lotions in the French Quarter shop she loves. She keeps a tight lid on her abilities and her mind closed to the dead around her.
Mallory doesn't understand why she can't “feel” Beau’s emotions; all she ever gets is calmness. Beau feels lighter around her and more relaxed. They fall into an easy, passionate and fun filled relationship that is a joy to read.
I loved both the characters and found the storyline flowed well. Really enjoyed the bit of paranormal as it wasn't over the top and it fits in with the location of the story.
Well worth the read you won't be disappointed.

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Easy Magic The Boudreaux Series Book 5 edition by Kristen Proby Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - I love the Boudreaux series, especially this big tight family growing up in NOLA...but this was a super weird paranormal read unlike all the others. And I like paranormal books so that wasn't the problem. I just didn't enjoy the book much. Mallory runs a whimsical essential oils & lotions show underneath Beau's apartment that he is staying at until his home is remodeled. They are both seriously attracted to each other & Mallory finally has to confess that she has this genetic gift like her grandmother to see dead people and she's also an empath. What drew her to Beau, after his amazing body & good looks, was that she couldn't read him. When she touched him she had an amazing feeling of calmness & she got addicted to that! Unlike her famous psychic grandmother who solved many missing children cases, Mallory just wants to shut out the world & run her shop. There is a criminal on the loose & he wants to get inside Mallory's head so she can't rat him out - and I'm sorry but I was bored. It took the focus off the couple entirely. It proved that Beau was a sweetheart & was open to believing Mallory has paranormal powers. I'm still anxiously waiting for Savannah's book, especially after Mallory touches her & absorbs feelings of overwhelming sadness & pain, and then wants to hunt down and kill the animal who hurt her, confirming that Savannah has been abused physically and mentally.
From the start, I completely fell in love with the family in Kristen Proby's Bourdreaux series. It is about a family who's heritage has been in New Orleans for hundreds of years. Each book features one of the siblings, but Kristen is magical in the way that she builds and weaves each of the characters potential story lines throughout the entire series so you will be dying to know what happens next in the series overall. She also has a way of making me fall in love with New Orleans so much, that it is now on my bucket list to go there and experience it in person, just from the way she has described it.
I was so excited to receive Easy Magic, book 5 in the Boudreaux series. I had pre-ordered it the moment it became available and though the wait was long (or at least it felt that way to me), it was well worth it. I completely devoured this book and couldn't put it down. I absolutely loved how Kristen made me fall in love with these characters as well as how much I adored all of the amazing characters in this entire series. Yes, this book can be read as a stand a lone, but I would highly recommend reading from the start of the series. You will not be disappointed.
Beau, the oldest of the Boudreaux siblings has finally left his family's plantation, now that his sister Gabby has gotten married and will no longer be alone. He has moved to his family's loft in the heart of the French Quarter. This frees up a lot of his time from the long commute and can now continue to be the driven CEO of Boudreaux Enterprises as well as build a dream home of his own. He doesn't make time for relationships outside his family and finds himself completely taken by surprise when he meets the downstairs shop keeper, Mallory Adams.
All of Mallory's life, she has known she has a special gift and a calling, but since the death of her grandmother, she has denied it and felt it was a curse rather than a blessing. She has decided to take a little of what she knows and open her herb and lotions shop in the French Quarter. Her shop has the natural cure for many ailments, as well as ways to be rid of the ghosts lingering around New Orleans.
When an emergency causes her to reach out to her up-tight, work driven landlord, Mallory doesn't need any of her special gifts to know that there is something unique about Beau Boudreaux. But will she be able to open up and reveal her secrets to him?
I absolutely loved every moment while reading this amazing book. I love each and every character Kristen develops into the unique plot. I can't wait to read more about the Boudreaux family!
PS- The audio version of this book is spectacular. Zachary Webber and Rachel Fulginiti do an amazing job of narrating this book. Their talents only enhance Kristin's brilliant work as an author. I am a huge fan of both of these narrators and would highly recommend any book they perform in!
Easy Magic
Two years ago I stumbled on Easy Love by Kristen Proby. Since it was set in one of my favorite cities, NOLA, I decided to give it a chance. I fell in love with the family and each subsequent book. Now we get Beau’s story.
As the big brother of the family and co-CEO of Bayou Enterprises he’s wound pretty tight and a self confessed workaholic. His family means everything to him and keeping the family legacy alive to honor his father is all in a day's work.
Mallory Adams is nothing like Beau but her clairvoyance tells her she will never be the same again. She finds happiness in selling her essential oils and lotions in the French Quarter shop she loves. She keeps a tight lid on her abilities and her mind closed to the dead around her.
Mallory doesn't understand why she can't “feel” Beau’s emotions; all she ever gets is calmness. Beau feels lighter around her and more relaxed. They fall into an easy, passionate and fun filled relationship that is a joy to read.
I loved both the characters and found the storyline flowed well. Really enjoyed the bit of paranormal as it wasn't over the top and it fits in with the location of the story.
Well worth the read you won't be disappointed.

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